First unearthed in the late 1970’s, Gaspeite was initially discarded as a worthless byproduct of nickel sulfide mining. The primary source of most of the Gaspeite now found on the market is from a small outback location in Western Australia. Tons of this rare nickel carbonate were unearthed and stockpiled for later processing. When the mining operation eventually closed, an American gemstone dealer won the rights to harvest Gaspeite from the stockpiles. Further mining operations in the location have buried all access to the deposits. There was an initial influx of Gaspeite on the market in the early 2000’s when the raw material was purchased by several lapidaries and collectors. I wish I would have known this story when I first saw Gaspeite at the gem shows, because I would have purchased more back then! Now, it is harder and harder to find. It has been explained to me that the stones I find now are what remains of this initial harvest, stashes of rough material that have been held in private collections until now.
Gaspeite is a beautiful and unique expression of green in the mineral kingdom- rich lime green, to yellowish green, with black and brown inclusions. It is a stone that helps to promote spirituality in everyday living. Much like turquoise, it is also a stone of protection and brings healing powers to the user. I have found that Gaspeite helps me to be more willing to seek and accept help from others, reminding me that I am intricately connected to universal spirit.